February 1, 2013
Proverbs 21:23
"Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles."
"Think Before You Speak!"
There is no rule that says you have to answer someone quickly just because a question is asked.
Take time to pray and think before you speak. It will usually effect what comes out.
In other words, watch your mouth and keep yourself from a lot of trouble!
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus I ask You to help me to keep a close watch over what I say before I say it.
I will slow down and pray before I speak.
I will not have a sharp tongue.
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 2, 2013
Proverbs 22:3
"A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself:
but the simple pass on, and are punished."
"Stay Wise and Stay Watchful!"
Just like you were taught to look both ways before you cross the street,
keep a watchful eye out for traps that are set for you in the spirit realm.
If you see trouble coming and you can avoid it, then it is wise to go the other way.
Pay attention to your surroundings and those who are around you.
Not everyone has your best interest and your spiritual growth in mind.
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus I ask You to help me to be watchful over my surroundings.
Please give me ears to hear Your voice that warns me of possible trouble.
I will not be spiritually lazy.
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 3-4, 2013
Ephesians 6:1-3
"Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.
Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;)
That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth."
"Obey and Honor!"
So many lives are cut short because of this commandment being broken.
God wants you to live a long and good life and He tells us one of the first steps of having that.
Respecting and obeying your parents is a must for pleasing your God.
If you dishonor, disrespect or disobey your parents then God would have you to repent.
This means to turn completely away from your rebellion and begin to obey, honor and respect.
Be blessed!
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus I will do as You command me.
I will honor, respect, and obey my parents and those who You have give authority over me.
I know that they watch for my soul and that it's good for me if I do this.
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 5, 2013
Proverbs 22:4
"By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches, and honour, and life."
"True Formula for Success!"
In this generation in general there is a severe lack of fear of the Lord.
To correct this we must be willing to do the things our flesh doesn't want to do.
We must also be willing not to do some of the things the flesh wants to do.
Whatever Gods Word says is what we should be doing in order to please Him.
By following this simple formula we can live a rich life full of health and blessing!
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus I will do as You command me.
I ask that you continue to give me a hunger for Your Word and Your Way.
Please order my steps this day and for the rest of my life.
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 6, 2013
Proverbs 24:1
"Be not thou envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them."
"Don't Be Jealous Of Those Who Are Evil!"
Evil is very deceptive and can look enticing when it is really a trap.
Don't be jealous of those with high worldly status or riches of this world.
They will be reduced to nothing and their money will fade away.
Don't befriend evil people hoping you'll gain something.
God has everything you need and will even bless you with
your heart's desire when you delight yourself in Him.
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus I will not be envious of evil men or anyone else.
I do not desire their company or their approval.
Jesus, You are the God of more than enough!
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 7, 2013
Proverbs 24:6
"For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war:
and in multitude of counsellors there is safety."
"The Wise Seek Council"
Be careful of the battles you choose to fight and don't be too proud to get help.
A wise person will get advice from someone who has been in their position before.
When getting advice, don't look for someone who will tell you what you want to hear.
Look for someone who is older and experienced, who lives a holy life.
Get council from someone who lives God's Word and someone who will pray first!
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus I will not rush to every opportunity to fight.
I will first seek Your face and will go to those whom You have chosen to speak into my life.
Please continue to guide me in every battle I face.
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 8, 2013
Proverbs 24:20
"For there shall be no reward to the evil man;
the candle of the wicked shall be put out."
"A Warning To Those Who Do Evil"
The best an evil doer can hope for is temporary pleasure.
The life of the that man will never be satisfactory and will vanish suddenly.
Warn those who do not know God's Word of the consequences of living in sin.
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus I am a light that is set on a hill.
Though some despise me, let me be a warning to those who are in darkness.
I pray for those that I know are lost, that their souls will be won to the Kingdom of Heaven.
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 9, 2013
Proverbs 25:28
"He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls."
Control Yourself!
The purpose of walls is to keep bad things out.
When we live carelessly and don't guard our actions or our tongues,
it sets us up for failure, destruction and great loss.
It simply pays to pray before you act or react.
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus I re-commit to hiding Your Word in my heart.
Please keep me full of Your Holy Spirit that will teach me and keep me.
Please go ahead of me and order my steps according to Your Word and Your will.
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 10, 2013
Galatians 6:9
"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."
Don't Give Up!
Don't allow yourself to get tired of doing the right thing or good things for others.
When you feel weak, remember to hold on and know that it WILL be worth it!
No matter what, you WILL reap what you sow, so keep planting good seed.
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus I will not grow tired of doing Your will.
Please continue to bring correction and direction to my life.
I will do what is right and not always whatever I feel.
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 11, 2013
Galatians 6:10
"As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men,
especially unto them who are of the household of faith."
Look For Every Opportunity To Do Good!
It takes so little effort and so little time to do something to make someone's day better.
Take the time to consciously do something good for someone else daily.
It's not just good for who you're doing it for, it also comes back to you!
Remember to especially take care of your family in the Lord.
What you do in secret will eventually be rewarded openly!
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Holy Spirit, I ask You to remind me throughout my day of opportunities to show love.
I refuse to be selfish and to allow myself to think I'm better than anyone.
Lord You love everyone the same. Please help me to do likewise.
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 12, 2013
Psalms 20:7
"Some trust in chariots, and some in horses:
but we will remember the name of the LORD our God."
Run To God First!
In a crisis situation, who do you call first?
You usually call the one you trust the most.
Build your trust in the Lord by calling on Him first in every situation.
You won't regret it!
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus, I come running to You with all of the details big and small of my life.
I need Your help, direction and correction.
I need to hear from You.
I silence every evil voice and every imagination.
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 13, 2013
In Luke 6:43 Jesus Says:
"For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit;
neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit."
What Kind of Fruit Do You Have?
Your past decisions have determined what kind of fruit you are bearing now.
Are you known as a good tree or an evil tree?
A "tree that bears good fruit" is a person that knows and obeys God's Word.
Going to church and only hearing the Word is not enough.
Allow the Lord to rule your life by taking heed to His Word and walking it out.
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus, I desire to be a good tree that brings forth much fruit.
Please continue to change the patterns in my life to match Your Word.
Please remind me and help me to mediate Your Word that I might live it out.
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 14, 2013
Psalms 100:4
"Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise:
be thankful unto him, and bless his name."
How To Approach Him.
When coming into God's presence, you can't just barge in.
Approach Him with the giving of thanks and with praise.
Tell Him how awesome and how worth He is.
He is worthy of all glory and of all honor!
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus, I desire to be in Your presence today.
Your presence makes me whole and gives me incredible peace.
I praise You because of who You are and I give You thanks for all You've done for me!
Thank You for Your Holy Spirit that never ever leaves me!
You are great and greatly to be praised!
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 15, 2013
Psalms 119:9
"BETH. Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way?
by taking heed thereto according to thy word."
How To Get Clean and Stay Clean.
Your transformation, cleansing and renewing comes from God's Word.
God's Holy Word will change you just like a growing child into an adult.
The child needs to eat nourishing foods and drink plenty of water daily.
Your spirit is like that child and needs to be fed God's Word daily.
Don't just quickly scan a verse or two quickly, but study and get understanding.
If you do this on a daily basis, it will bring about miraculous and astounding change.
Every answer to life is in the Word! Eat it, digest it and live it daily!
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus, I thank You for Your Word that is pure truth.
Please cleanse and renew my mind today.
I receive all of Your promises and will obey Your commands.
I will this day walk in the Spirit.
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 16, 2013
Psalms 119:11
"Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee."
Keep The Word In Your Heart.
As it has been said before:
Don't just read or listen to the Word of God, but study it and live it.
The Word only works when it is practiced.
God's Living Word in us makes us powerful creatures protected by God Himself!
The Word of God renews us and keeps us in right standing with God.
Keep the Word on the forefront of your mind always!
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus, I thank You for Your Word that keeps me.
I ask that You continue to open my understanding to it and help me to grow.
I will not be spiritually lazy or forsake the Word for worldly things.
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 11-18, 2013
Psalms 119:15
"I will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways."
Keep His Commands In Your Mind.
Continually think about the way God wants to live and constantly adjust to that.
It is like driving a car where you continually make
minor corrections to steering and to speed.
You honor the Lord when you walk according to His commands and ways.
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus, I thank You for Your Word that guides me in all Truth.
You are the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Please continue to steer my life into Your perfect will!
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 19, 2013
2Corinthians 5:7
(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)
We Believe What We Cannot See
Doubt and fear are our enemies and we must fight to keep the faith.
Faith is believing in God and His Word even though you can't see Him.
Faith is trusting Him even when things seem impossible.
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus, I ask You to increase my faith and help any unbelief I may have.
I put my trust in You and believe that You have my best interest in mind.
Please lead, guide, correct, bless and increase me this day.
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 20, 2013
Proverbs 28:26
"He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered."
It Is Wise To Trust In God and Not Yourself
Don't allow yourself to put too much confidence in you.
No matter who you are or how much you know, God's ways are higher than yours.
A wise person continues to gain knowledge and continues to acknowledge God in everything.
Don't be too proud to go to God in everything and to ask wisdom and prayer from His people.
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus, I put my life in Your hands and all of my trust in You.
Please continue to feed my Your Wisdom and Your knowledge.
I will not lean to my own understanding but will acknowledge You in all of my ways.
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 21, 2013
Proverbs 25:28
"He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls."
Self Control
As you grow in Christ you will find that you should not do everything you feel like doing.
You shouldn't say everything you feel like saying and you should even control how you think!
Boundries and self control will protect you from allowing the enemy in to your space.
Take time to pray before you act or react and ask yourself, "what does the Word say about this?"
Imagine what Jesus would do in the situations you are faced with and don't let feelings have too much power.
Look at the lives of those who don't have boundries or limited self control. Their end is not good.
I encourage you to continue in the things you have learned and continue to learn more.
People put fences in their yards for a reason! Likewise guard yourself!
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus, I thank You so much for Your Word that leads me.
I thank You for Your mighty hand of protection and Your voice that corrects me.
Thank You for always leading me to what is good for the Kindom and for me.
Have Your way today and please teach me more!
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 22, 2013
Proverbs 25:21
"If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink:"
How To Handle Your Enemy
The Word of God makes it clear how to treat our enemies with love and not vengeance.
Love is not what you feel but what you do. Your actions talk louder than your voice.
If you see your enemy in need, pray and do your best to find a way to help him.
Use wisdom to deal with those who are able to hurt you again.
This doesn't mean for you to put yourself in a dangerous situation.
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus, I pray for my enemies and that I would be a light especially to them.
Please give me wisdom and direction in my actions towards others.
I bless Your name today and may my life demonstrate the life of a believer.
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 23, 2013
1John 4:4
"Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them:
because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world."
"The God in You Is Greater Than Any Worldly Force"
Never under estimate the power that God put in you.
Never let the devil, your imagination or your past tell you that you are defeated.
You are more than a conqueror and you have the victory!
Don't walk according to what you see but walk according to what God's Word says!
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus, I am so thankful that You being in my soul gives me so much power.
I believe Your Word and I believe that through You I can do all things.
You are awesome, oh Lord and I magnify Your name.
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 24, 2013
1 John 4:11
"Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another."
"Love Others Like God Loves You"
Loving others is not something you feel, but something that you do.
God loved us so much that He gave His only son to die for our sins.
Let others know you as caring, compassionate, giving, forging and understanding.
Remember that the first fruit (or evidence) of God's Spirit is Love!
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus, I desire to love like You loved.
May I not pretend to care or to love as a tool to get something in return.
I will not be selfish and I will be an example of God's love.
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 25, 2013
1Peter 4:15
"But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief,
or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters."
"Don't Bring On Unnecessary Suffering"
We all know that we will have to suffer sometimes but don't suffer unnecessarily.
Leave things that bring trouble in your past and separate yourself from evil doers.
It is also good to mind your own business and stay far away from the world's drama.
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus, I ask You to help me keep my focus on things above and not of things on the earth.
Thank You that my past is my past and no longer dictates what I do now.
Please order my steps this day and go ahead of me and open and shut doors in my life.
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 26, 2013
Psalms 100:4
"Enter into his gates with thanksgiving,
and into his courts with praise:
be thankful unto him, and bless his name."
"Getting in God's Presence"
When you go to God it is important to know that you can't just barge into His presence.
Take time to give Him thanks, even in the worst of times because there is something to be thankful for.
Get closer to God by taking time to give Him praise because in any situation He is worthy.
Praise to God is simply telling Him how awesome and mighty He is.
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus, I come before Your presence with thanks for yet another day.
Thank you for waking me up in my right mind with health and strength.
Thank You for shelter, warmth, food and all of the other blessings You've given to me.
I praise You because of Who You are. You are Almighty God and all powerful.
Your Name is above every other name and You are worthy to be praised.
Please order my steps this day and go ahead of me and open and shut doors on my behalf.
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 27, 2013
Psalms 119:11
"Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee"
"Get God's Word In Your Heart and Keep It There!"
Knowing God's Word is what will keep you in these last and dark days.
His Word is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path.
Read, study and live out God's Word on a daily basis.
Don't only read and study the Word when you feel like it,
but discipline yourself to let it be your number one priority with prayer!
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus, I come before You hungry and thirst for more of You and Your Word.
Please show me how to study and give me a heart that is set on doing Your will.
I will not be lazy or lax concerning studying, knowing and living out Your Word.
Let Your perfect will be done in my life on this day.
In Jesus' Name I pray.
February 28, 2013
Matthew 7:24
"Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them,
I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:"
"Be Wise!"
Build your life on the foundation of God's Word.
Read it, study it, do it.
It is possible to live the rest of your life with no regrets.
No one walks out the Word of God and regrets it.
Let's Pray (Always Pray Out Loud If You Can)
Lord Jesus, I understand that all of the answers to this life are in Your Word.
I cast my cares upon You because Your Word says I can and You're big enough to handle it.
Please order my steps this day according to Your Word and to Your perfect will.
In Jesus' Name I pray.